Carlos from 2040,.. to escape from the future,.. Liquidated most of his government crypto called "Salary Coin" to buy worthless $100 fiat bills. this salarycoin will be adopted as currency in the United States in 2026. salary coin will be comprised of Eatcoin, carrentalcoin, grocerycoin, clothingcoin.. (you get the picture). MeQR will be introduced in 2030 where everyone that chooses to.. will be marked on the left inside wrist with a QR code which will update their balance, in real time. Carlos amassed $5 million fiat dollars, and transferred the rest of his salarycoin to an unauthorized time travel agency to send him back to 2016 to live out his remaining years. to find out more.. see the video below.

Escape from the future, back to the past... where cash is still king.